Kelly Hoover
Englewood, CO
Kelly is a mama, a teacher, a writer, and an aspiring world traveler. She is enjoying 19+ years of teaching in the elementary setting, and believes this is a truly magical time in the life of a young reader or writer. In addition to teaching in the primary classroom, Kelly is also an affiliate instructor for Regis University in the College of Education, Master’s Degree of Reading program. Working with teachers is a passion of hers as she continues to be awed by the importance of the profession. Late at night her garage is often humming with the sound of tools as Kelly and her husband love to work together "up-cycling" items for home decor. She finds it a fun challenge to look at something that has been discarded or forgotten, and make it beautiful and purposeful again.

Sharon Kennedy
Co-Founder, President
Newburyport, MA
Sharon supervised student teachers at Columbia University Teachers College. She taught English at the High School of Fashion Industries in NYC where she collaborated with Lincoln Center's Open Stages theater education program. Sharon's experiences span classroom instruction, curriculum development, and life-skills training for students with unique and special needs. Her educational journey has taken her to NYC, Colorado, Czech Republic and Massachusetts. She received her BA in Communications and a minor in English from Fairfield University and a Master’s of Education from the University of New Hampshire. Sharon is passionate about interdisciplinary and equitable learning, and helping young humans make connections between their studies and their own, personal and important worlds. She is also passionate about local, independent movie theaters and bookstores, hiking, and snuggling on the couch with her husband, her daughters, her dog and a good book.

Maeve Norton
Designer, Illustrator
Brooklyn, NY
Maeve Norton is an award-winning illustrator and designer based in Brooklyn, NY. She currently works as a senior book designer for middle grade and young adult novels at Scholastic where she enjoys hand lettering and collaborating with many fabulous illustrators. When not knee-deep in books, Maeve can be found making an assortment of crafts or enjoying the sunshine on her stoop in Bushwick. You can find a selection of Maeve’s work at maevenorton.com.