We bring our expertise in education and literacy to your work.

When we were teaching together in New York City, Room 228 was our English office. It was where we met to brainstorm ideas, support one another’s work and collaborate.  Then, Sharon left to supervise student teachers and Erica left to work in publishing. We’ve come back together in Room 228. Now, we collaborate with educators from all different disciplines, all over the country, offer our expertise in education and literacy to a variety of industries and create resources and programs that can benefit children everywhere.   

Project of the Month


As seen in this middle grade novel, set at the border between freedom and fear in World War II France, teachers and students faced difficult choices in 1942 as Germany advanced their occupation of Europe through France; today, students and teachers face their own choices. This novel and this guide bring many important issues to the forefront and will help to facilitate essential discussions of themes, academic exploration, analysis of how history is constantly evolving, and text-to-self connections that encourage deeper understanding of characters, literature, students’ worlds, and themselves.



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